Speaker: Chris Klug
Level: 300
Have you ever looked at something and thought “I wonder how that works” or “I wonder how hard it would be to build that”? I think we all have! That’s why we are developers… And that’s exactly what I thought when I saw GitHub Pages!
Don’t get me wrong! GitHub Pages is an awesome concept! Automatically generate a static website from your version-controlled markdown files, and host it in the cloud so that it is easily accessible. I love it! But it also got me thinking, “I wonder if I can’t build a better version of that in no time using Azure, and maybe even add some features”. So that’s what I did!
In this talk, we will take a look at how easily we can build fairly complex systems using the services available to us in Azure. In this case, all I needed was a little DevOps, a container registry, some storage, a CDN, some serverless functions, a Docker container and some open source software to get it all going. And no, I didn’t spend 100 hours on it! I don’t have that much time to on stuff like this! And I’m sure you don’t either! So let me show you how you can use Azure like a set of building blocks to create weird and wonderful things in hours instead of months! And in a lot of cases, more or less for free! And who doesn’t like free stuff!?